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question:My ticket is showing PQ/WL 25 and PQWL 26. Is there any chance to confirm that ticket?


question:What were German Emperor Frederick II’s influences on the World War?

answer:He served as a role model for an unexpected twist of fate. His Army was totally defeated on the battlefield, but at the end of the day was saved: the Russian Tsaress died unexpectedly and her successor pulled back his troops. At the end of the war, Hitler had a painting of Frederick in the Bunker, hoping for a miracle to happen. It didn’t.

question:Where is the best place to get help with credit card debt?

answer:My financial crisis began when I requested for some student loans to help support my masters programme. I knew little about the terms and conditions of the loan and I didn't care much as at then because I was desperately in need of it to complete my academic programme. It was after a while, I realised that the loan had an high interest rate with an increment clause if not paid within stipulated period. My life was in jeopardy, I tried raising funds from families and friends but I couldn't raise something substantial. My focus became divided and it was already affecting my grades badly. Even, at a period, I had to take a leave of absence from school. It was during the leave of absence that I surfed online and came across this professional dude ([LINKED_TEXT:] [URL:] offers professional services on loan clearance and credit card debts. I discussed with him and he offered to help. I was so glad when he contacted me afterwards and he told me he had cleared the debt. I didn't believe until k checked my debt profile and I saw it was all gone!

question:Do you think John Lennon would have been a Nirvana fan?

answer:I don't think John even liked the Beatles. He liked himself and of course the lovely Yoko 🙄

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