question:What song has the lyrics someone left the cake out in the rain?
answer:MacArthur Park A song written by Jimmy Webb and recorded by Richard Harris and then Donna Summer.
question:World War II, why did Stalin order that Moscow buildings be burned down, despite the freezing Russian winter?
answer:There was no such an order. Stalin ordered to destroy and burn out villages in the occupied territory. Now, have a look at a text written by Leonid Soloviev in 1940, “A tale about Khoja Nasreddin” ( [LINKED_TEXT: Повесть о Ходже Насреддине — Википедия] [URL:]), please scroll down to see it in Eglish: “Да хранит аллах нашего солнцеподобного владыку от бед и несчастий, от болезней и огорчений! Мои заслуги известны эмиру. Когда хивинский хан пошел войной на Бухару, то эмиру, средоточию вселенной и тени аллаха на земле, благоугодно было поручить мне главенство над бухарским войском. И я распорядился так, что мы без кровопролития победоносно отразили врага и все дело окончилось к нашему благу. А именно: от самой границы хивинской и вглубь нашей страны на многие дни перехода все города и селения были, по моему приказанию, превращены в развалины, посевы и сады истреблены, дороги и мосты разрушены. И когда хивинцы вступили на нашу землю и увидели одну пустыню без садов и без жизни, они сказали себе: "Не пойдем в Бухару, ибо там нечего есть и нечем поживиться". Они повернули обратно и ушли, осмеянные и поруганные! И наш владыка эмир признать тогда соизволил, что разорение страны своим же войском есть дело столь мудрое и полезное, что распорядился ничего не исправлять и оставить города, селения, поля и дороги в том же разрушенном виде, дабы и впредь чужеземные племена не дерзали вступать на нашу землю.” “May Allah protect our Sun-like Lord from misfortunes, from illnesses and sorrows! My merits are known to the Emir. When the Khiva's Khan went to war in Bukhara, then the Emir, the center of the Universe and the Shadow of Allah on Earth, was pleased to entrust me with the primacy over the Bukhara army. And I ordered that without bloodshed we triumphantly repulse the enemy and the whole thing ended to our benefits. Namely: from the very border of Khiva and deep into our country for many days of transition, all cities and villages were, at my order, turned into ruins, crops and gardens were destroyed, roads and bridges were destroyed. And when the Khivans entered our land and saw one desert without gardens and without life, they said to themselves: "We will not go to Bukhara, because there is nothing to eat and nothing to profit from." They turned back and left, ridiculed and scolded! And our Lord, the Emir, deigned to admit then that the ruin of the country by his own army was such a wise and useful thing that he ordered that nothing be corrected and that cities, villages, fields, and roads were left destroyed, so that henceforth foreign tribes would not dare to enter our land.” Now, have a look: This is a photo of a German car on Russia’s road in November 1941. And this is a photo taken in April 2017 at Russia’s Federal Highway A-121:
question:What are easy recipes to learn if I don't know how to cook or even prepare basic dishes?
answer:A culinary master class is an event where lovers of a certain cuisine or just wanting to learn something new can learn how to cook several modern, unusual and delicious dishes in practice. In addition, there you can meet like-minded people and get to know the restaurant kitchen better from the inside. You can visit culinary master classes at the studio [LINKED_TEXT:] [URL:]. The peculiarities of culinary master classes include a breakdown by cuisines of different countries and peoples, as well as a deep immersion in the cultural environment. If at other master classes only a field of activity is singled out (for example, sewing), then in cooking they go further and single out a specific cuisine (say, Italian), to which the entire master class is dedicated. At the same time, guests will be able to get in close contact with the peculiarities of the work of restaurants and professional chefs, as well as with the culture of the country or people whose cuisine is presented at the master class. The beginning of any master class begins with the introduction of the chef of his team, after which he tells what plan the event will take place. After that, the guests try the presented treats, which belong to a certain cuisine, which will be discussed at the upcoming master class. Then the master class takes place directly, the duration of which is 3-4 hours. Each participant has the opportunity to personally participate in the process of creating a culinary masterpiece, as well as watch how the chef works. Cooking master classes provide an opportunity to get a quick practical result. Simple cooking classes take a little longer, and students have to go through long programs learning the basics. At master classes, you can quickly learn how to create several dishes through personal participation in cooking and the help of professionals. It remains to practice a little at home, and you can impress guests. Culinary master classes are mainly held by the best chefs. Of course, experienced craftsmen share their knowledge in another area, however, such events are organized by restaurants, and they are held by the chefs of this institution. But they are the most talented culinary specialists who studied in European countries and have extensive work experience. Therefore, the master class provides an opportunity to meet and learn from real culinary stars, which is not only useful, but also very interesting. Given all of the above, it should be noted that cooking master classes are of interest not only to the fairer sex, but also to men who want to surprise their loved ones or are simply fond of cooking. In addition, master classes for children are also open, which, thanks to a fun and relaxed atmosphere, will help the children get a lot of impressions.
question:w do you know that you have found a true friend?
answer:If you can go for months or years without seeing each other and pick up right where you left off. My best friends and I sometimes don’t see each other for months, but whenever we meet up, it’s as if no time has passed. Even when we are apart, I feel their support and love from afar.If they can see you at your worst and still love/respect you. In the moments where I have been at my worst, where I have cried and screamed like an animal, my best friend wasn’t scared. She didn’t ask for space. She called my mom and asked her to help me. She helped me get help. She checked in on me every day. And she never stopped loving me or respecting me as a person.If you feel like you can be yourself around them without worrying about needing to impress them. I can be around my true friends and not wear any makeup. I don’t have to be good at everything. I can laugh like a maniac and make stupid jokes and do ridiculous dances. I can try rollerskating and fall down on my butt. We can admit our mistakes and fears to each other and ask for advice. And these are some of my greatest memories.If they hold your secrets close to their chest. I know that I can trust my friends to keep my secrets unless keeping that secret puts me in danger.If they stand up to those who seek to harm or speak badly of you. Even in a time when many people disliked and misunderstood me, my true friends always chose to see the best in me and helped me remember that I am a good person.If they are able to lovingly correct you when you are in the wrong. I want my friends to call me out. Sometimes they can see things that I’m unable to. If I am headed down a destructive or unproductive path, I want them to say something. We can learn from each other and grow to be better people.If they respect you in a work environment and don’t take advantage of your familiarity in a way that makes you feel used. I once hired someone who I thought was one of my best friends and colleagues to play a concert with me. Unfortunately, this person came unprepared and told embarrassing stories about me to my parents and to other audience members, putting me in an extremely awkward position as I tried to maintain a professional attitude. They also made numerous remarks and sexual jokes that put me down, excusing this kind of behavior as familiarity or “just a joke.” I tried my best to make the event run smoothly but I had several audience members express concern about my friend’s behavior and lack of professionalism. We have not spoken since. By contrast, I hired a different friend to play another event with me. She was professional, contributed hard work, and treated me, the audience and my family with respect and kindness. My previous bad experience made me appreciate her that much more.