question:Female Stray Skeleton: “Ugh…why did it have to be so hot?!” (looking at her belly) “Oh no…the heat’s trying to force you out, little one! Please just stay inside for a little longer!” [player]: (spotting the female Stray Skeleton) “What the…? What’s a Stray skeleton doing in the desert? Clearly, they shouldn’t be out here.” (running towards the strange girl) “Here. I’ll get you to a snowy tundra. That way, you’ll be safe - and won’t be overheating. Why were you out here in the first place? The snowy tundra is where you belong.” (looks at the girl’s belly) “Hey, is it a boy or a girl?” Female Stray Skeleton: (grateful for the help) “Thank you! I was looking for shade, but I think I may have wandered too far. And… it’s a girl.” (smiling, but still worried) “I just want her to be safe and healthy.” [player]: “Don’t mention it. Say, what’s your name?” Female Stray Skeleton: “Shirey.” [player]: “Oh. And have you decided on a name for your little girl? But before I ever give you suggestions, let’s head to the snowy tundra.” Shirey: “Thank you. I haven’t thought about a name yet. I just want her to arrive safely.” [player]: “Don’t worry, we’ll get you there in no time.” (starts walking towards the snowy tundra) Along the way, the player and Shirey talk about their experiences and how they ended up in their current situation. As night falls, they finally arrive at the snowy tundra. Shirey: (grateful) “Thank you so much. I feel the Aurora Borealis is going to make the upcoming birth of my daughter perfect.” (clutching her belly) “Ooh...” [player]: “Are you okay, Shirey?”
answer:Shirey: (nodding) “Yes, I just had a contraction. I think it’s happening soon.” [player]: (helping Shirey to a comfortable spot) “Okay, let me help you get situated here. I’ll start a fire and make sure we have everything we need.” Shirey: (breathing through the contractions) “Thank you so much. I didn’t think anyone would help me, especially a player like yourself.” [player]: “No problem. I can’t just leave someone in distress.” As the night progresses, Shirey goes into labor and with the help of the player, gives birth to a healthy baby girl. [player]: (holding a wrapped up baby) “Congratulations, Shirey! She’s beautiful.” Shirey: (tears in her eyes) “Thank you so much. I couldn’t have done it without your help.” [player]: “So have you decided on a name yet?” Shirey: (happy) “Yes, I’ve chosen Aurora. It just feels fitting, given where she was born.” [player]: (smiling) “It’s a beautiful name.” Shirey: (grateful) “Thank you, again. You’ll always have a special place in our hearts.” [player]: “I’m just glad I could help. Safe travels to you and little Aurora.” (leaves the new family to rest)
question:улучши этот код public Scores[] GetScore(GetScoresOptions options) { string url = ""; Dictionary<string, string> query = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "k", AccessToken }, { "b", options.BeatmapId?.ToString() }, { "u", options.User }, { "m", ((int)options.Mode).ToString() }, { "mods", options.Mods?.ToString() }, { "type", options.Type}, { "limit", options.Limit?.ToString() } }; return get<Scores[]>(url, query.Where(kv => kv.Value != null)); } public async Task<Scores[]> GetScoreAsync(GetScoresOptions options) { string url = ""; Dictionary<string, string> query = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "k", AccessToken }, { "b", options.BeatmapId?.ToString() }, { "u", options.User }, { "m", ((int)options.Mode).ToString() }, { "mods", options.Mods?.ToString() }, { "type", options.Type}, { "limit", options.Limit?.ToString() } }; return await getAsync<Scores[]>(url, query.Where(kv => kv.Value != null)); }
answer:```csharp public Scores[] GetScore(GetScoresOptions options) { string url = ""; var query = CreateQueryDictionary(options); return Get<Scores[]>(url, query); } public async Task<Scores[]> GetScoreAsync(GetScoresOptions options) { string url = ""; var query = CreateQueryDictionary(options); return await GetAsync<Scores[]>(url, query); } private Dictionary<string, string> CreateQueryDictionary(GetScoresOptions options) { return new Dictionary<string, string> { { "k", AccessToken }, { "b", options.BeatmapId?.ToString() }, { "u", options.User }, { "m", ((int)options.Mode).ToString() }, { "mods", options.Mods?.ToString() }, { "type", options.Type }, { "limit", options.Limit?.ToString() } }.Where(kv => kv.Value != null).ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value); } private T Get<T>(string url, Dictionary<string, string> query) { // Implement the synchronous version of 'get' method. } private async Task<T> GetAsync<T>(string url, Dictionary<string, string> query) { // Implement the asynchronous version of 'get' method. } ``` In this refactored version, we've created a `CreateQueryDictionary` method to prevent code duplication in `GetScore` and `GetScoreAsync`. This method takes `GetScoresOptions` as an input, creates the query dictionary, and filters out the null values. The `Get` and `GetAsync` methods can be implemented as needed.
answer:商业报告 # Hugging Face 发展历程、商业化数据与主要客户 目录 1. 公司背景 2. 发展历程 3. 商业化数据 4. 主要客户与合作伙伴 5. 结论与前景 1. 公司背景 Hugging Face 是一家总部位于纽约与巴黎的私有AI研究公司。主要专注于自然语言处理(NLP)和自然语言理解(NLU),其目标是使人机交互尽可能符合真实自然对话。Hugging Face 采用了自己的transformer库,并以开放式的协作方式推动NLP界的发展。其产品为开发者、研究人员提供了处理与分析大量文本数据的各种工具。 2.发展历程 2016年,Hugging Face 由 Clément Delangue 和 Julien Chaumond 成立,最初目标是开发一个专注于机器学习和自然语言处理的聊天机器人。随后几年中,公司不断取得突破,启动多个任务与项目。以下是该公司的发展历程: 2017年: - 发布了自家的聊天机器人app。 2018年: - 与Google、NVIDIA等研究力量合作,共同开发了DistillBERT、RoBERTa等模型。 2019年: - 成功开发并发布开源Transformer库。 - Hugging Face 提供现成的Tokenizer和Model类,让研究者可以灵活地采用或调整已有模型。 - 与多家企业和机构建立合作项目。 2020年: - 推出模型中心,汇集了超过10,000个预训练的模型,成为这一领域最大的模型库。 3. 商业化数据 截止2021年,Hugging Face 已完成多轮融资,累计融资金额超过5000万美金。以下是公司融资情况: 2017年:Seed轮融资 (30万) 2019年:A轮融资 (150万) 2021年1月:Series B轮融资 (40万) 2021年11月:Series C轮融资 (2900万) 财务表现: - 只有少量的营收来源土,如企业客户和合作伙伴的付费服务。由于其主要产品为免费开源库,公司的营收规模较小。 4. 主要客户与合作伙伴 Hugging Face 拥有一个广泛的客户与合作伙伴群体。以下是其主要客户与合作伙伴: 客户: - 亚马逊(Amazon) - 微软(Microsoft) - 谷歌(Google) 合作伙伴: - NVIDIA - 斯坦福(Stanford) - 詹茨基(Jiant) 5. 结论与前景 Hugging Face 在近几年内取得了显著的进展,不仅在NLP领域,还在各领域合作项目上。尽管目前整体营收规模较小,但其已在AI产业和研究领域取得重要影响力。 展望未来,Hugging Face 有望继续扩大其产品在NLP技术中的应用,为越来越多的企业和机构提供更强大、高效的解决方案。作为一个不断创新、成长的公司,Hugging Face 的前景堪称乐观。
question:Talk like a college frat girl, give a short response
answer:OMG, like what do you mean? Haha! 🙌🏻