question:Write an email to Ms.Wayne tell her I sending you email to Give you update and also through our recent interactions with our partners in Dubai, UAE; they give us another solution to our recent problem with UAE custom clearance, they suggest if we use Forward shipping method and avoid postal services like UPS to avoid any kind of problem and also they suggest to send goods to Sharjeh air port port (port of discharge) could you confirm this method, that would be a great help for our current order and also for our future work
answer:Dear Ms. Wayne, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to give you an update on our recent interactions with our partners in Dubai, UAE. During our discussions, they provided us with another solution to address the problem we were facing with custom clearance in UAE. Our partners suggest using the Forward shipping method as opposed to using postal services like UPS. According to them, this method can help us avoid any potential issues that may arise during the custom clearance process. Additionally, they recommend sending the goods to Sharjeh air port, which they identify as the port of discharge. To ensure that we are moving in the right direction and to support our current order and future work, I kindly request your confirmation regarding this suggested method. Your confirmation would be of great help and assist us in avoiding any unnecessary challenges during the shipping and custom clearance processes. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to receiving your response and guidance on how to proceed. Best regards, [Your Name]
question:Write an email to Jason, thanks him for sending the invoice and also tell him to revise this matters in Invoice : 1- please change the parameter for weight, I don't think this part is at max 25 gr not 25 kilo ( this is important for us because we dont want any complication when we get custom clearance) 2- please add your bank information on the invoice
answer:Dear Jason, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to thank you for sending the invoice promptly. We appreciate your efficiency in handling this matter. However, upon reviewing the invoice, I noticed a few revisions that need to be made. Firstly, please revise the parameter for weight. As per our understanding, this particular part weighs a maximum of 25 grams, not 25 kilograms. It is crucial for us to reflect the accurate weight on the invoice, as this will greatly impact the custom clearance process. Therefore, I kindly request you to make this amendment accordingly. Secondly, I would also appreciate if you could include your bank information on the invoice. This will enable us to process the payment more efficiently and ensure a smooth transaction. Please provide the necessary details so that we can update our records accordingly. Thank you once again for your promptness in sending the invoice. Your attention to these revisions is greatly appreciated. Please let me know once the changes have been made, so that we can proceed with the payment accordingly. Looking forward to your response. Warm regards, [Your Name]
question:write an email to Mr Ivan Klimkovic, Tell him thanks for pre- invoice ; we are intercted in this items : 1-MC124CG-SY with USB3.1 Interface 2-MC161CG-SY with USB 3.1 interface -3- PCI Express Adaptor -4- USB3.1 to USB3 Cable 3m( if it possible please send us as complimentary) and for German email thats no problem
answer:Dear Mr. <PRESIDIO_ANONYMIZED_PERSON>, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to express my gratitude for sending us the pre-invoice promptly. We appreciate your efficiency in handling our request. After reviewing the pre-invoice, we are interested in the following items: 1. MC124CG-SY with USB3.1 Interface. 2. MC161CG-SY with USB 3.1 interface. 3. PCI Express Adaptor. 4. USB3.1 to USB3 Cable 3m (If possible, we kindly request that you send this to us as a complimentary item). We are particularly interested in these items as they align with our current requirements. Please proceed with finalizing the invoice as per our discussion and provide the necessary information, including the total cost, delivery dates, and any other applicable terms and conditions. Regarding the German email, kindly note that it is not a problem. We can communicate in German if that is more convenient for you. Thank you once again for your assistance. We look forward to your prompt response and the finalization of the invoice. Best regards, [Your Name]
answer:歐洲受歡迎的車機品牌包括以下幾個: 1. 奧迪 (Audi):奧迪是德國汽車制造商,以其高品質、豪華和創新的車機系統而聞名。 2. 寶馬 (BMW):寶馬是另一家德國汽車制造商,其車輛配備了先進而易於使用的車機系統。 3. 奔馳 (Mercedes-Benz):奔馳是德國頂級汽車制造商之一,其車輛配備的車機系統具有優雅的界面和各種功能。 4. 大眾 (Volkswagen):大眾是德國汽車制造商,其車輛的車機系統具有直觀易用的界面和高度可定制的功能。 5. 寶駿 (Porsche):寶駿是德國高性能汽車制造商,其車輛配備了先進的車機系統,提供頂級的音響和導航功能。 6. 保時捷 (Bentley):保時捷是英國奢侈汽車制造商,其車輛的車機系統融合了創新技術和精湛工藝。 7. 法拉利 (Ferrari):法拉利是意大利超級跑車制造商,其車輛的車機系統具有優異的性能和娛樂功能。 8. 寶僑 (Bugatti):寶僑是法國超級跑車品牌,其車輛的車機系統融合了高科技和奢華。 這些車機品牌在歐洲市場上享有很高的聲譽,提供豪華、高品質和先進的功能,滿足消費者的需求和期望。