question:writes a chapter of a story. A well-off brother and sister are in a steampunk universe, they walk down the street and are robbed by a child, they chase him and catch him. write this text with Agatha Christie's style of writing and add deep and long dialogues, and the internal thoughts of the characters.
answer:On the morn of November twelfth, the London streets were no less bustling and teeming with whispers of the scandalous rumour that had shaken the foundations of upper-class society. The Tippetall twins, Rosamund and Edmund, walked along the cobbled path, their eyes not betraying their newfound infamy that had befallen their family; no, for they were determined to maintain an air of all-embracing decency. They strolled, neither tempted nor enticed, past the numerous wares of exotic fruit and peculiar trinkets that the industrious entrepreneurs of the street presented enticingly. Ever resourceful, Edmund had suggested they should expedite their affairs and return to the safety of the countryside away from the rumours and whispers that pervaded London society. Rosamund, however, was not so keen on this sentiment; she envisioned a life in London where she should tear down the tyrant that had disallowed their father's name the honour it deserved. As the siblings wove their way through the bustle of the city streets, the steely grey sky was cloaked with the distinctive industrial fog upon which the sooty air of progress hung heavily. Feeling the tug of his silver pocket watch from within his waistcoat pocket, Edmund endeavoured to observe the current hour when he found, to his immense chagrin, the pocket devoid of its usual occupant. Simultaneously, a flash of movement in the corner of his eye drew his attention to a ragged urchin making haste through the crowd, his vest bulging with the tell-tale outlines of the recently purloined items. With an indignant cry, which Rosamund echoed timorously, brother and sister plunged into the melee of the crowd; they pursued the deft-footed child who darted and ducked between the street-goers like a highly skilled acrobat evading the grasp of the pursuing English. Engaged in this pursuit, the complexities of human nature weighed heavily on Edmund's mind. "How curious," he mused, "is it that we trouble ourselves with trinkets and baubles so unhindered by societal expectations? Surely there must be more beneath these depths, hidden from my conscious understanding." The siblings, driven by the burning desire to confront this petty thief, managed to corner him in the dark recesses of an unassuming alley, reeking of urban filth. Navigating damp crates and barrels of waste, they finally stood before the trembling child, panting laboriously. The pallor of his face shone like a sliver of moonlight in these dark quarters, his watery eyes widened with a mixture of fear and surprise. "Confess!" Edmund demanded, his voice trembling with an unexpectedly ferocious authority. "Would you be so brazen as to purloin our possessions from right under our noble noses?" "The truth is," the urchin spoke, his voice trembling, "that the world leaves naught for children such as myself. As the rich take from the poor, we do what we must to make our existence bearable." Edmund looked deeply into the urchin's eyes, and for a moment, he saw the deplorable state of the child's life. He was horrified by the revelation of the inequality in society—the injustice and unfairness which necessitated such acts of petty theft. Then, turning his gaze away, he spoke softly: "Young thief, this unfortunate state of affairs leaves me in a quandary. For while I am within my rights to take decisive action, your position gives me cause for concern." The urchin stared up at Edmund with a flicker of hope in his expression. Rosamund piped up, her voice measured but firm as she interjected, "I've taken a measure of your words, and while I cannot condone the present circumstances that led to this crime, I find that I cannot in good conscience allow you to leave without due punishment for your indiscretion." The child's lip trembled as he acknowledged the situation, and yet in his eyes, Edmund saw something else—a fierce determination, a hard-earned ferocity that was held in check by their conversation. Something yearned to be birthed from this dire experience. The dialogue with the urchin had ignited a spark within the Tippetall twins; they had no idea where it would lead them, but it was clear they had found themselves at the beginning of a path that would forever change the landscape of their souls. For, in the eyes of the rag-clad child, they saw their own reflections—a lost innocence trapped under the weight of a merciless world.
question:Flutter how to get widget property by key?
answer:To get a widget property by key in Flutter, first, create a GlobalKey instance and assign it to the widget you want to retrieve. Then, you can use the `currentContext.findRenderObject()` method to get the widget's RenderObject and retrieve its properties. Here is an example: ``` final GlobalKey _myKey = GlobalKey(); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: Center( child: Text('Hello World!', key: _myKey), ), floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton( onPressed: () { final RenderBox renderBox = _myKey.currentContext.findRenderObject(); final size = renderBox.size; // Retrieve the widget's size property final offset = renderBox.localToGlobal(; // Retrieve the widget's position property print('Widget size: size'); print('Widget position: offset'); }, child: Icon(Icons.print), ), ); } ``` In this example, we created a GlobalKey called `_myKey` and assigned it to the Text widget. Then, in the FloatingActionButton's onPressed event, we retrieved the RenderBox using `_myKey.currentContext.findRenderObject()`. Finally, we retrieved the widget's properties using the `size` and `localToGlobal()` methods on the RenderBox instance. Note that the `findRenderObject()` method will only work if the widget has already been built and has a context. If you call this method too early (e.g., in the build method), it will return null.
question:tu dois rédiger un texte de présentation sur le sujet suivant: Gentrification, tourisme: quel impact sur le lien social dans les quartiers concernés? L’exemple de Lavapiés à Madrid.
answer:La gentrification et le tourisme peuvent être des phénomènes positifs pour les villes en termes d’investissements dans les secteurs immobiliers et touristiques. Cependant, ils peuvent également avoir des impacts négatifs sur le lien social des quartiers concernés, en particulier des quartiers populaires. C'est notamment le cas de Lavapiés à Madrid. Lavapiés était autrefois un quartier populaire et multiculturel, connu pour sa vie sociale et ses communautés spirituelles. Cependant, avec la gentrification et l’augmentation du tourisme, les prix de l’immobilier ont augmenté et les habitants les plus modestes ont été poussés à quitter le quartier. Les petites boutiques locales ont également cédé la place à des chaînes et des commerces plus chics, visant une clientèle touristique. Cette transformation a eu des impacts négatifs sur le lien social dans le quartier. Les habitants historiques du quartier se sont sentis marginalisés et ont vu leur espace de vie et de travail réduit. Les nouveaux habitants, souvent des jeunes professionnels, ont peu d’interaction avec la communauté locale et la vie sociale du quartier a été transformée en une attraction touristique. Cette situation a également créé des tensions entre les différents groupes, avec une augmentation des conflits entre les habitants historiques et les nouveaux arrivants. Cependant, certains groupes locaux ont commencé à se mobiliser pour préserver l’identité du quartier et ses traditions communautaires. Des associations ont été créées pour protéger les magasins et les boutiques locales, et pour promouvoir une inclusion plus grande des nouveaux arrivants dans la vie locale. Des manifestations et des sit-ins ont été organisés pour faire entendre leur voix contre les politiques économiques favorisant la gentrification. En fin de compte, il est clair que la gentrification et le tourisme ont des impacts importants sur le lien social des quartiers, qui doivent être pris en compte par les gouvernements et les urbanistes. Il est essentiel de trouver un équilibre entre la transformation des quartiers pour attirer les investissements touristiques et protéger les communautés locales et l’identité collective de ces quartiers.
question:Cuanto es 2cos x-son² x=3cos x-cos² x
answer:Empecemos por simplificar la ecuación: 2cos x - sin² x = 3cos x - cos² x Sumamos cos² x en ambos lados: 2cos x - sin² x + cos² x = 3cos x Simplificamos: 2cos x + cos² x - sin² x = 3cos x Sumamos sin² x en ambos lados: 2cos x + cos² x = 3cos x + sin² x Restamos 2cos x en ambos lados: cos² x = cos x + sin² x Usando la identidad trigonométrica fundamental cos² x + sin² x = 1, podemos reescribir la ecuación como: 1 - sin² x = cos x + sin² x Sumamos sin² x en ambos lados: 1 = cos x + 2sin² x Restamos cos x en ambos lados: 1 - cos x = 2sin² x Dividimos ambos lados por 2 y obtenemos: sin² x = (1 - cos x)/2 Ahora podemos utilizar la identidad trigonométrica cos² x + sin² x = 1 para reemplazar sin² x en términos de cos x: cos² x + (1 - cos x)/2 = 1 Multiplicamos ambos lados por 2 para eliminar el denominador: 2cos² x + 1 - cos x = 2 Ordenamos los términos: 2cos² x - cos x - 1 = 0 Resolvemos la ecuación cuadrática: cos x = (1 ± √3)/4 Por lo tanto, las soluciones son: x = arccos[(1 + √3)/4] ≈ 0.9553 + 2πn o x = arccos[(1 - √3)/4] ≈ 2.1863 + 2πn, donde n es cualquier número entero.