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answer:与证券、银行、基金和保险等金融行业相反,不直接涉及金钱管理、投资或者金融交易的工作可能包括: 1. 教育:比如教师和学术研究人员,他们的工作重点是教授知识和进行学术探索。 2. 医疗保健:医生、护士和其他医疗行业工作人员专注于提供医疗服务和照护患者。 3. 公共服务:公务员、警察、消防员等,致力于维护社会秩序和公共安全。 4. 社会工作:社工等专业人士帮助社会弱势群体和解决社会问题。 5. 非营利组织:研究员、项目管理者等,目标是促进社会进步和改善公众福祉。 6. 文化和艺术:艺术家、作家、舞蹈家等专注于艺术创作和表演。 7. 环保领域:环境科学家、野生动物保护人员等,在保护自然环境和生态系统上做出贡献。 8. 人文与科学研究:这些领域的学者致力于扩展知识边界和进行基础研究。 虽然这些工作不是直接围绕着金融活动构建,但它们都在一个更大的经济系统中发挥作用。工作人员通常为其所提供的服务、技能或商品获得报酬,但他们的直接任务和活动并不专注于金钱交易本身。即使如此,大部分工作在现代经济体系下仍然需要进行金钱交换,包括收取薪水,从而在一定程度上与金钱相关。

question:design me a 3 stage evolution pokemon named Amokobra that is a cobra that spits out bullets with move sets, stats and pokedex for all evolutions

answer:Sure! Here is a concept for a 3-stage evolution Pokémon named Amokobra: Stage 1: Bulbedra (The Bulb Snake Pokémon) Type: Poison Ability: Poison Touch / Shed Skin (Hidden) Height: 1 foot 6 inches Weight: 10 lbs. Pokedex Entry: Bulbedra, the first stage of Amokobra, has a small bulb-like appendage on its tail. It uses this bulb to store venom, which it can spit at high speeds to paralyze its prey. While not yet fully developed, Bulbedra possesses great agility and can quickly slither away from danger. Base Stats: HP: 40 Attack: 30 Defense: 35 Special Attack: 45 Special Defense: 40 Speed: 60 Moveset: - Poison Sting - Wrap - Leer - Quick Attack Stage 2: Toxikobra (The Toxic Serpent Pokémon) Type: Poison Ability: Poison Touch / Shed Skin (Hidden) Height: 3 feet Weight: 40 lbs. Pokedex Entry: Toxikobra, the second stage of Amokobra, has venom glands that are fully developed and produce a more potent toxin. Its signature ability is its ability to spit venom-filled bullets at incredible velocity. These bullets can cause paralysis or severe poisoning, making Toxikobra a dangerous opponent to face. Base Stats: HP: 60 Attack: 55 Defense: 60 Special Attack: 75 Special Defense: 65 Speed: 95 Moveset: - Poison Fang - Acid Spray - Coil - Bullet Barrage Stage 3: Amokobra (The Sniper Serpent Pokémon) Type: Poison/Steel Ability: Sniper / Shed Skin (Hidden) Height: 7 feet Weight: 200 lbs. Pokedex Entry: Amokobra, the final evolution of this line, is known for its incredible accuracy and deadly venom. Its body is covered in thick, metallic scales that protect it from most attacks. Amokobra possesses an upgraded version of the venom-filled bullets, which can penetrate even the thickest armor, making it a fearsome warrior on the battlefield. Base Stats: HP: 80 Attack: 90 Defense: 100 Special Attack: 120 Special Defense: 90 Speed: 120 Moveset: - Sludge Bomb - Iron Tail - Dragon Pulse - Focus Energy (Note: Moveset can vary depending on the gameplay or updates in the Pokémon series.) Please note that this is a conceptual design and not an official Pokémon. The stats, abilities, and movesets are subject to changes or modifications, as per the Pokémon game designers' choices.

question:CustomScaffold( body: [ const TableHeader(), Table( this code gives me this error Another exception was thrown: Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget.

answer:The error message "Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget" is usually related to the incorrect usage of a widget that requires a specific parent widget in its hierarchy. In this case, it seems like you are trying to use the `Table` widget directly without placing it inside a `TableRow` widget. The `Table` widget only accepts `TableRow` widgets as its direct children. Here's an example of how you can use the `Table` widget correctly within the `CustomScaffold`: ```dart CustomScaffold( body: Table( children: [ TableRow( children: [ TableHeader(), ], ), TableRow( children: [ TableCell( child: Text('Cell 1'), ), TableCell( child: Text('Cell 2'), ), ], ), // Add more TableRow widgets as needed ], ), ) ``` Make sure to adjust the example code according to your specific use case.

question:Table( border: TableBorder.symmetric( inside: BorderSide( color: UIColors.aluminium, style: BorderStyle.solid, width: 2.w), ), children: [ TableRow( decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border( top: BorderSide( color: UIColors.aluminium, style: BorderStyle.solid, width: 3.w), bottom: BorderSide( color: UIColors.aluminium, style: BorderStyle.solid, width: 3.w), right: BorderSide( color: UIColors.aluminium, style: BorderStyle.solid, width: 3.w), left: BorderSide( color: UIColors.aluminium, style: BorderStyle.solid, width: 3.w), )), children: [ Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.w, vertical: 2.h), child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, children: [ SizedBox( height: 10.h, ), Text('Price', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 20.sp, color: UIColors.darkGrey, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400)), SizedBox( height: 7.h, ), Text('Amount', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 24.sp, color: UIColors.darkGrey, fontWeight: FontWeight.w700)), SizedBox( height: 10.h, ) this is the code

answer:The code you provided seems to be incomplete and missing some closing parentheses and brackets. However, based on the provided code, it appears that you are correctly using the `Table` widget and applying borders and decorations to the `TableRow`. Here's an example of how you can complete the code and use it within the `CustomScaffold`: ```dart CustomScaffold( body: Table( border: TableBorder.symmetric( inside: BorderSide( color: UIColors.aluminium, style: BorderStyle.solid, width: 2.w, ), ), children: [ TableRow( decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border( top: BorderSide( color: UIColors.aluminium, style: BorderStyle.solid, width: 3.w, ), bottom: BorderSide( color: UIColors.aluminium, style: BorderStyle.solid, width: 3.w, ), right: BorderSide( color: UIColors.aluminium, style: BorderStyle.solid, width: 3.w, ), left: BorderSide( color: UIColors.aluminium, style: BorderStyle.solid, width: 3.w, ), ), ), children: [ Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.w, vertical: 2.h), child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, children: [ SizedBox( height: 10.h, ), Text( 'Price', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 20.sp, color: UIColors.darkGrey, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, ), ), SizedBox( height: 7.h, ), Text( 'Amount', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 24.sp, color: UIColors.darkGrey, fontWeight: FontWeight.w700, ), ), SizedBox( height: 10.h, ), ], ), ), ], ), ], ), ) ``` Please ensure that you properly close the code with the appropriate parentheses and brackets based on your specific use case.

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