question:I want you to write a screenplay/shooting script for a scene. Please include every event and dialogue that I describe as part of the scene's prompt sequence in the final output, and combine all the guidelines regarding events and dialogues that I provide in the following part of my prompt into one whole screenplay/shooting script that is coherent, logically consistent and that flows naturally. Please ensure that the scene, its contents and the interactions within it develop organically and realistically in the final output. Please ensure that the scene's characters are compelling and that they act in accordance with their presumed traits and cultural background. Please refrain from portraying the cultural background in an overtly stereotypical fashion; instead, reflect the characters' cultural background with an adequate degree of nuance. Please ensure that all of the scene's dialogues are in logical accordance with the scene's sequence of events, that the dialogues' contents all follow from one another, and that the dialogues don't contain any puns or wisecracks; that the dialogues' contents make sense within the situations that occur in the scene; and that the dialogues' contents fit the characters' cultural backgrounds, as well as the scene's genre and situational context as far as usage of vernacular and dialect is concerned. The way in which the characters speak needs to be derived from their character traits, their cultural background and the scene's genre conventions. Please elaborate in detail on all events and dialogues that occur during the entirety of the scene, and don't write any part of the scene in brevity when providing the final output. In pursuance of the commands that were outlined in the previous paragraph, please write a coherent, elaborate, descriptive and detailed screenplay/shooting script, including a concise background (in which the events of the preceding scene leading to the events in the current scene are briefly described), for a very long comedic scene in a Black Sitcom TV Series according to the following guidelines: * The scene should be premised around a scenario where a woman deliberately poops in her pants after being deliberately and physically prevented from accessing the bathroom by another woman. While it is up to you to create the scenario in which this event occurs, this event shouldn't be induced by food poisoning, sickness, laxatives or the consumption of spicy food. It is crucial that the source of the first woman's unbearable urge to move her bowels and the reason for the first woman pooping in her pants as an adult woman will make sense in the context of the scene's events and that they won't feel contrived. There should be a sensible reason within the scenario's internal logic for the first woman not using the bathroom in a normal and timely manner up beforehand, and for why she ends up in a predicament where she is coerced to poop in her pants instead. * The scene should include only 2 female characters. Give both women names, and describe their physical appearances and their clothing in detail. The first woman shouldn't be wearing a dress, a skirt, jeans nor leggings. While providing the background, situate the 2 women in the scene's whole scenario so it could be understood in relation to events that have preceded it and led to it. You may choose for there to be any type of relationship between the 2 women that you deem fit, provided that it fits the scenario you create - they can be friends, relatives, schoolmates, colleagues, neighbors, or any other option. * The scene shouldn't occur in a setting that includes other people. You may pick the location, provided that only the 2 women are in it. It can be a house/apartment/flat, an entrance to a house/apartment/flat, a car, or any other option that you deem fit and that includes the two women only. * If you find it fitting to the scenario you create for the scene, you may have a drawn out phase where a desperate first woman holds the urge to move her bowels throughout the early part of the scene before pooping in her pants. This desperation option isn't mandatory. If you do decide to employ this desperation option, the first woman's urge should be on the brink of eruption by the time the scene starts, as her urge begun well before the scene's events. * It's important to convey that the first woman has a full bowel movement in her pants. You may depict this as you deem fit, but the actual occurence should be drawn out and have a lot of dialogue revolving it, together with descriptions of physical actions and gestures surrounding the occurence. The act of the first woman relieving herself in her pants shouldn't end quickly. * You are free to decide how the other woman reacts initially when the first woman poops in her pants, and how the other woman reacts shortly thereafter. You are also free to choose how the first woman reacts to pooping in her own pants and how she engages the other woman at all points thereafter. However, the other woman must taunt the first woman at some point after the first woman poops in her pants. The taunting can be of any nature that you deem fit and that fits the scenario you create. There should be a lot of taunting about the first woman pooping in her pants and a lot of dialogue between the two women that revolves around this taunting. The taunting dialogues shouldn't consist of witty zingers, convulted witty remarks puns nor wisecracks. Instead, the taunting dialogues should consist of straightforward mocking and simple language. * The taunting by the other woman should revolve around the nastiness related to the first woman pooping in her pants, the appearance of the deposit in the first woman's soiled pants, the odor that is emitting from the first woman's pants, and further things related to the first woman pooping in her pants. The other woman must respond with physical gestures to the odor that is emitting from the first woman's pants wherever and whenever relevant in the scenario. The other woman should be taunting the first woman over the degree to which the first woman stinks after pooping in her pants. However, the taunting dialogues shouldn't revolve only around the odor that is emitting from the first woman's pants; other aspects related to the first woman pooping in her pants, whatever they may be, need to be addressed during the taunting too. The first woman takes the teasing in stride and jokes about the whole situation.
answer:**INT. SUBURBAN LIVING ROOM - DAY** _PREVIOUS SCENE BRIEF: Rhonda, a quirky but typically reserved IT specialist, has been experiencing strange side effects from a new “no-bloating” fiber supplement she started taking to kick off a healthier lifestyle. She had been stranded at home awaiting a delivery for her new ergonomic desk chair. Right before the arrival of the chair, she felt an uncontrollable urge to use the bathroom. As Rhonda made a beeline for the restroom, her long-time nemesis and neighbor, Tanya, who self-invites to gossip, showed up unannounced and guards the bathroom door to "confront" her about a community board election._ (The setting is a typical middle-class living room filled with comfortable furniture, family photos, and a bit of clutter. A large window overlooks a quiet street. The doorbell has just rung and RHONDA, dressed in a brightly colored, loose-fitting two-piece tracksuit with a snug waistband, is visibly uncomfortable as she shifts from side to side, demonstrating her urgency to get to the bathroom before answering the door.) RHONDA (Talking to herself) Come on, Rhonda, hold it together. Just act natural. (She peeks through the window, sees TANYA outside, and reluctantly opens the door with a strained smile. TANYA, an exaggerated, well-coiffed woman in her mid-40s, sports a tight, colorful jogging outfit that accentuates her figure, seemingly prepared for a run she never actually takes.) TANYA (Entering, haughty) Girl, you won’t believe the drama at the board meeting last night! (She goes straight for the couch, drops her oversized purse, barely letting RHONDA close the door. RHONDA sneaks glances towards the bathroom.) RHONDA (Clearly agitated) Tanya, this isn’t a good time. I was just about to— TANYA (Interrupts, oblivious) Oh, no you don’t. You're running for my position, you backstabber! We are gonna hash this out now! RHONDA (Suddenly doubling over) Tanya, please, I really need to use the— TANYA (Cutting her off, moving to block the bathroom door) All ears, honey. Talk to me. RHONDA (Grimacing) I need the bathroom. Bad. Like now! TANYA (Bristling with malicious glee) Nu-uh. Not until you drop this election nonsense. RHONDA (Desperation mounting) This is not a power play! I swear it’s something else that's about to drop! (With RHONDA's back to the couch, legs tightly pressed together, she starts to dance a little "I-really-need-to-go" jig while TANYA, with arms crossed, remains planted in front of the bathroom door, enjoying the power trip.) TANYA (Laughing with derision) Oh, what? You gonna pee yourself? RHONDA (Struggling, voice strained) It's – it's the other thing... Please! (RHONDA takes a deep breath, trying to maintain composure, but her body has other plans. A bead of sweat trickles down her forehead. She closes her eyes, her face tightens, and she takes that decisive last stand. After a few seconds of silence, we hear a subtle but unmistakable sound.) TANYA (Cocking her head, confused at first) What in the— Oh. My. God. Rhonda, did you just— RHONDA (Takes a deep, shuddering breath, then opens her eyes, speaking with a pained but defiant humor) Well, Tanya, when you gotta go, you gotta go. TANYA (Recoiling, covering her nose) Ugh, you're disgusting! Did you seriously just do a number two in your sweatpants? RHONDA (Eyes watery, but with a self-deprecating grin) You ever heard of a crap-tastrophe? Well, you just met one! TANYA (Stepping back, dramatically gagging) Girl, the stench! What died in there? (RHONDA looks ruefully at her soiled pants, the bulge visible, somehow managing to maintain her sense of humor amidst the humiliating situation.) RHONDA (Chuckling) Guess the fiber supplement worked after all—just not on my schedule, honey. TANYA (Eyes watering from the smell, taunting) And I thought your election speech was crap, but this takes it to a whole new level! RHONDA (Shrugging with mock pride) Call me the Queen of Comfort. At least now I don’t have to listen to your crap. TANYA (Still taunting, but wincing from the odor) Wow, Rhonda, making a statement with bold actions, quite the campaign strategy! RHONDA (Easing into the absurdity) At this point, I'd say my actions speak louder than words. (The two women look at each other, TANYA standing in a ridiculous pose trying to avoid the smell, RHONDA resigned to her fate but still smirking. There's a moment of awkward silence before they both start to chuckle, the undeniable ridiculousness of the situation getting to them.) RHONDA (Sighing with a light-hearted resignation) Alright, let's open some windows before a hazmat team shows up. (They move together to air out the room, RHONDA cautiously to avoid any further embarrassment. TANYA tries to keep up the act of being disgusted but can't help cracking up.) TANYA (Through laughter) I'll never let you live this down, you know? RHONDA (Breezily) Oh, honey, I'm counting on it. This is one hell of a story for the grandkids. (They share an unexpected moment of camaraderie, the tension of the earlier confrontation dissipating for now.) **FADE OUT.**
question:Re write the following list so that the information that follows the colon is placed on the next line. Remove any entries that seem to repeat the same thing but are written in a different way. The list can be shorter if necessary or longer if there are any items missed. (The purpose of the list is to itemise President Trump's achievements while he was in office.) Write the description in a way that a layperson can understand it. 1. Tax Cuts: Trump implemented tax cuts in 2017, reducing the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% and lowering income tax rates for individuals, providing relief for many Americans. 2. Criminal Justice Reform: Trump signed the First Step Act in 2018, aimed at reducing recidivism rates and providing opportunities for prisoners to reintegrate into society. 3. Deregulation: Trump pursued a deregulatory agenda, rolling back numerous regulations, which some argue stimulated economic growth and reduced bureaucratic burden on businesses. 4. Operation Warp Speed: Trump led efforts to accelerate the development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines through Operation Warp Speed, which played a significant role in ensuring the rapid availability of vaccines. 5. Brokered Middle East Peace Deals: Trump’s administration helped broker diplomatic agreements between Israel and several Arab nations, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. 6. Veterans Affairs Reforms: Trump signed the VA MISSION Act, which aimed to improve veterans’ access to healthcare, expand caregiver benefits, and streamline the Department of Veterans Affairs. 7. USMCA Trade Deal: Trump renegotiated the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and signed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), modernizing trade practices between the three countries. 8. Criminal Justice Reinvestment: Trump allocated 100 million for programs aimed at reducing crime rates, enhancing community-based policing, and supporting organizations that help former prisoners reintegrate into society. 9. Space Exploration: Trump directed NASA to return astronauts to the moon and pursue crewed missions to Mars, signaling a renewed focus on space exploration and advancing American space capabilities. 10. Fight Against Opioid Crisis: Trump declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency in 2017, allocating funding for prevention, treatment, and recovery initiatives, addressing a significant national health issue. 11. Criminal Justice Reform: Trump commuted the sentences of numerous individuals who were serving lengthy prison terms for nonviolent offenses, advocating for fairer sentencing policies. 12. Space Force: Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020, officially establishing the United States Space Force, a new branch of the military focused on space-based operations. 13. School Choice Initiatives: Trump promoted school choice and charter schools, aiming to provide parents with more options for their children’s education. 14. Veterans Healthcare Access: Trump signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act, expanding access to healthcare for veterans and reducing wait times by allowing them to seek care from private providers if necessary. 15. Economic Growth: Prior to the pandemic, the U.S. experienced consistent economic growth with low unemployment rates, record stock market highs, and increased wages for many workers. 16. Right to Try Act: Trump signed the Right to Try Act, allowing terminally ill patients to access experimental treatments that have not yet received full approval from the FDA. 17. Criminal Justice Reform: The Trump administration prioritized criminal justice reform, leading to the release of numerous individuals who were serving disproportionately long sentences for non-violent offences. 18. Regulatory Reform: Trump implemented policies aimed at reducing regulatory burdens on businesses, providing greater flexibility and fostering innovation. 19. Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act: Trump signed this act, making it easier to discipline or remove underperforming employees from the Department of Veterans Affairs and ensuring protection for whistleblowers who report wrongdoing. 20. Increased Defense Spending: Under Trump’s presidency, defense spending increased, enabling better-equipped military forces and improved capabilities. 21. Decreased ISIS Influence: Trump’s administration intensified efforts against ISIS, leading to a significant reduction in their territorial caliphate and loss of influence. 22. Criminal Justice Grants: The Trump administration allocated over 100 million in grants to states for initiatives aimed at reducing crime rates, supporting law enforcement, and implementing innovative approaches to public safety. 23. Environmental Conservation: The Trump administration signed the Great American Outdoors Act, providing permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund to preserve and protect natural resources. 24. Expanded Apprenticeship Programs: Trump established the Task Force on Apprenticeship Expansion, creating more opportunities for individuals seeking vocational training and skills development. 25. Veterans’ Mental Health Initiatives: Trump signed the PREVENTS Act, seeking to improve mental health services and suicide prevention efforts for veterans through increased coordination and collaboration among federal agencies. 26. Increased Funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Trump signed the FUTURE Act, providing long-term funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and simplifying the financial aid application process for students. 27. Revitalization of Minority Communities: The Opportunity Zones program, initiated by Trump, aimed to attract investment into economically distressed communities, providing tax incentives to spur economic growth and job creation. 28. Improved Veterans Healthcare Access: Trump signed the VA MISSION Act, allowing veterans to seek care from private providers when VA medical facilities are not easily accessible, improving access to timely healthcare services. 29. Combating the Opioid Epidemic: The Trump administration declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency, prioritizing efforts to prevent opioid abuse and increase access to treatment and recovery services. 30. Space Exploration Investment: Trump increased NASA’s budget, focusing on space exploration and promoting private sector partnerships, with the aim of returning astronauts to the moon and eventually reaching Mars. 31. Focus on Apprenticeship Programs: Trump established the National Council for the American Worker, aiming to promote apprenticeship programs and prioritize workforce development initiatives to address the skills gap. 32. Religious Freedom Protection: The Trump administration placed a strong emphasis on defending religious liberty, such as issuing executive orders and guidelines to protect faith-based organizations from government infringement. 33. School Safety Measures: Following the tragic school shootings, Trump created the Federal Commission on School Safety to review and provide recommendations on improving school safety, leading to increased awareness and action. 34. Criminal Justice Reinvestment: Trump supported criminal justice reinvestment initiatives, providing funding for programs focused on reducing recidivism, improving reentry services, and promoting alternatives to incarceration. 35. Improved Care for Veterans’ Mental Health: Trump signed the Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Health Care Improvement Act, expanding access to mental health services and suicide prevention resources for veterans. 36. Improved U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Relations: Trump renegotiated the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and signed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), modernizing trade practices and benefiting American industries and workers. 37. Criminal Justice Reform for Juveniles: Trump signed the Juvenile Justice Reform Act, supporting evidence-based juvenile justice programs, promoting alternatives to incarceration for minors, and focusing on rehabilitation. 38. Increased Funding for HIV/AIDS Programs: Trump signed legislation reauthorizing the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) with increased funding to combat HIV/AIDS globally. 39. Focus on Rural Healthcare: Trump signed the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, aiming to combat the opioid crisis and improve access to healthcare in rural areas. 40. Reducing Prescription Drug Costs: Trump pursued policies to lower prescription drug costs, including promoting increased price transparency and targeting pharmaceutical rebates. 41. Improved Veterans Benefits: The Trump administration worked to streamline the process for veterans to access their benefits, reducing bureaucracy and improving efficiency. 42. Tax Reform for Opportunity Zones: Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act included provisions to incentivize investment in designated Opportunity Zones, fostering economic growth in economically distressed areas. 43. Criminal Justice Data Transparency: Trump signed the First Step Act, strengthening data collection and reporting related to federal prisoners, improving transparency and aiding evidence-based policy decisions. 44. Addressing Human Trafficking: The Trump administration increased efforts to combat human trafficking, creating task forces and allocating funding for prevention, protection, and prosecution initiatives. 45. Addressing Mental Health: Trump signed the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act, moving towards establishing a national three-digit hotline for mental health crises to improve access to critical support. Please note that the inclusion of these items in the list does not necessarily imply endorsement or consensus on their effectiveness or impact. List another 10 good things Trump did while he was in presidency. Certainly! Here are 10 more things that occurred during Trump’s presidency that some consider to be positive: 46. Space Exploration Partnerships: Trump signed Space Policy Directive-1, directing NASA to work with international and commercial partners to return humans to the moon and explore deeper space. 47. Criminal Justice Reform for Military Veterans: Trump signed the Veterans Treatment Court Improvement Act, establishing Veterans Treatment Courts to provide specialized programs and support for veterans involved in the criminal justice system. 48. Reduced Government Regulation: Trump pursued a policy of regulatory reform, aiming to reduce unnecessary regulations and promote a more business-friendly environment. 49. Protecting American Steel and Aluminium Industries: Trump imposed tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, seeking to protect American industries and workers from unfair trade practices. 50. Bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform: Trump signed the bipartisan SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, addressing the opioid crisis by expanding access to treatment, supporting recovery efforts, and improving prevention programs.
answer:51. Increased Funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs): Trump signed the FUTURE Act, providing long-term funding for HBCUs and simplifying the financial aid application process for students. 52. Advancing School Choice: Trump supported and expanded school choice initiatives, aiming to provide parents with more options for their children's education. 53. Rural Broadband Expansion: Trump prioritized expanding access to internet connectivity in rural areas, recognizing the importance of digital access for education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. 54. Criminal Justice Reform for Juveniles: Trump signed the Juvenile Justice Reform Act, supporting evidence-based juvenile justice programs, promoting alternatives to incarceration for minors, and focusing on rehabilitation. 55. Addressing Human Trafficking: The Trump administration increased efforts to combat human trafficking, creating task forces and allocating funding for prevention, protection, and prosecution initiatives. 56. Addressing Mental Health: Trump signed the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act, moving towards establishing a national three-digit hotline for mental health crises to improve access to critical support. 57. Prioritizing Infrastructure Investments: Trump advocated for increased infrastructure spending, recognizing the need for improving the nation's roads, bridges, airports, and other critical infrastructure. 58. Protecting Religious Freedom: The Trump administration issued executive orders and guidelines to protect religious liberty and defend faith-based organizations from government infringement. 59. Combating the Opioid Epidemic: The Trump administration prioritized efforts to prevent opioid abuse, increase access to treatment and recovery services, and support law enforcement in combating drug trafficking. 60. Supporting American Veterans: Trump signed legislation to improve care for veterans' mental health, expand access to healthcare, and streamline the process for veterans to access their benefits.
question:Ali Dembélé Joueur de football Date de naissance : 5 janvier 2004 (Âge: 20 ans) Équipe actuelle : Venezia Football Club (#25 / Défenseur) Poids : 69 kg Taille : 1,85 m c'est quoi son club quand il était petit
answer:La date de naissance que vous avez mentionnée pour Ali Dembélé semble incorrecte s'il est supposé être âgé de 20 ans à l'heure de votre question en 2023; il serait plutôt né en 2003 ou éventuellement avant pour avoir 20 ans en 2023. Cependant, il y a de nombreux footballeurs qui portent le nom de Ali Dembélé, donc sans informations plus précises, il est difficile de savoir de quel footballeur vous parlez. Ceci étant dit, pour de nombreux joueurs professionnels, les informations sur leurs clubs de jeunes ne sont pas toujours largement documentées ou disponibles au public. Toutefois, si vous recherchez les informations sur un joueur de football nommé Ali Dembélé spécifiquement né en 2003 ou 2004, il est possible que ces informations ne soient pas publiques ou qu'il faut vérifier auprès d'une source spécialisée ou de la bio officielle du joueur en question. Vous pouvez tenter de rechercher son profil sur des sites spécialisés dans le football ou d'entrer directement en contact avec son club actuel pour obtenir plus d'informations sur son parcours de jeunesse.
question:adapte ce code pour en faire un code mocodo (pour que je puisse voir le mld) :pdo->exec(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS quizzes ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL ) "); pdo->exec(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, password TEXT NOT NULL ) "); try { pdo->exec(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS questions ( uuid TEXT PRIMARY KEY, quiz_id INTEGER, type TEXT NOT NULL, label TEXT NOT NULL, choices TEXT, correct TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (quiz_id) REFERENCES quizzes(id) ) "); } catch (PDOException e) { echo e->getMessage(); } pdo->exec(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_quizzes ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username TEXT, quiz_id INTEGER, score INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES users(username), FOREIGN KEY (quiz_id) REFERENCES quizzes(id) ) ");
answer:Mocodo est un outil qui permet de dessiner des diagrammes entités-associations à partir d'un script textuel décrivant le schéma conceptuel des données. Pour adapter le code de création de tables SQL que vous avez fourni à un script que Mocodo peut interpréter, il faut le réécrire en définissant les entités et leurs attributs, ainsi que les associations entre ces entités. Voici comment vous pourriez réécrire le schéma en syntaxe Mocodo : ``` QUIZZES: id, name USERS: id, username, password QUESTIONS: uuid, type, label, choices, correct USER_QUIZZES: id, score QUIZZES 1N QUESTIONS: quiz_id USERS 11 USER_QUIZZES: username QUIZZES 11 USER_QUIZZES: quiz_id ``` Explication: - Chaque entité (tables "quizzes", "users", "questions" et "user_quizzes") est déclarée avec ses attributs. - "1N" et "11" spécifient les cardinalités des associations entre les entités. - Pour "USER_QUIZZES", bien que les clés étrangères soient "username" et "quiz_id", dans Mocodo on établit simplement des relations entre les entités. Dans la pratique, on veillera à ce que les clés étrangères référencent correctement les clés primaires des entités concernées. Notez que cette syntaxe est simplifiée pour Mocodo, et que le script ne prend pas en charge toutes les caractéristiques des SQL comme UNIQUE, NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY, etc. L'objectif est simplement de représenter graphiquement les entités et leurs relations.