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question:f I got rejected for a Canadian student visa and now I am not mentioning that into the UK visa application that I have not had any visa refusal from any country, does this affect my visa?

answer:Thanks for the A2A [LINKED_TEXT: Kãvâņ Pàtêł] [URL:] Well, one of the best piece of advice I can give to everyone out there who is applying for any sort of visa or undergoing immigration process — don’t obscure or forge any information in any form. Embassies don’t like ambiguities! If you had a refusal in Canada, and you are applying any country, please disclose this information. Mentioning about your Canadian Visa refusal doesn’t weaken your profile in any way, it’s just the embassy will look at it meticulously. A refusal from one country doesn't invalidate your chances to study anywhere else. Every country has different immigration rules and regulation. A visa refusal is not just a blunt outcome on the spot, but acceptance or rejection of a visa depends on so many internal factors as well. If you closely see the refusal for Canadain visa is all-time high now and the entry requirements for the college/universities are soaring as well. Similarly, at one of time, the UK has many refusals but in the last 2–3 years time, there is rarely any refusal. Rejection is sometimes based on the number of reasons, cap of the number of visas achieved, the university region (e.g. Toronto has more refusals than Quebec), ministry of labour’s stats and needs for a particular type of audience, and many other. So don’t worry if you had a refusal in Canada, do put a cover letter explaining that it was a general refusal or if you have a specific refusal reason, do mention that but don’t ever hide it, even if it gets refused. But if a visa gets refused for misrepresentation or falsifying the information, it becomes really hard to get any country visa. The game is mostly over! I come across a multitude number of calls every now and then, people asking if they can apply to some other country as they have a ban of 5 years or 10 years from a specific country for providing fake documents or forging the information. And sometimes, some consultants do it without their knowledge. It’s not recommended! Remember, rejection with the right information is a hundred times better than a rejection with the wrong information! If you don’t understand this, ask someone who has got a ban! In the year 2009, in an official conference called, Five Country Conference (FCC) permitted the exchange of immigration and biometric information between all the countries that participated. The participant countries were the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to combat illegal immigration and other possible immigration threats. This was just an example, in most cases, they have the immigration information available. So please disclose all the travel history and refusals at least the experience you had internationally. If you did something locally that they might never know and there is no such system in place but if you have travel or got refusal for an international transition, it’s better to disclose to be safer side. I wish you all the luck! Need any further help? Visit my profile, follow me up, and connect :)

question:Will Arvind Kejriwal win the Delhi election again by giving freebies to the public?

answer:Exempted fares in public transport, electricity , water are not freebies. Its a full circle of tax payers getting their money back in form of public services. In any developed country, you can see this model. Just google about public transport model in Germany. The right wing constantly compares India to Pakistan. At-least somebody is raising the bar and making the national capital comparable to European capitals. The king & Queen of Netherlands visited Delhi to see the work done by current government in field of education. [LINKED_TEXT: Dutch king, queen visit govt school in North-East Delhi] [URL:] Government is not incurring losses by providing such exemptions. [LINKED_TEXT: Delhi govt maintained revenue surplus over last five years: CAG report] [URL:] They are providing services without any middlemen corruption. The fight with corruption is visible in this government. And we need more such kind of leaders in our country.

question:What makes Mohammed bin Salman favored among the young generation in Saudi Arabia?

answer:Prince Mohammed is popular with the younger generation, because he is progressive and has made many significant changes to the Kingdom. He abolished the male guardianship system. He gave equal rights to women. He decreed it legal for women to drive and the abaya is no longer required. Some women still choose to wear it, along with the hijab. But it is by choice, not regulation. Women now own companies, work at companies and are CEOs. Prince Mohammed appointed the first female ambassador to the United States. He has also appointed other women to high positions in the government. Public entertainment was sparse in Saudi Arabia, until Prince Mohammed. Now there are sports stadiums, concerts with Western pop stars, plays, festivals, restaurants from all over the world and more, to be enjoyed by both men and women together. He has a vision, Vision 2030. He has heavily invested in the private sector, for the benefit of employment of the younger generation and for Saudi Arabia’s economic well being. This generation knows he is looking out for their best interest and they appreciate him.

question:What are your late growth spurt stories?

answer:I feel great about the change but a lot of improvement is yet to be done. Now I have got a an entirely different mindset to look at things, I do things which I like. I have completed my studies , got a job, found the love of my life. Life has changed significantly but as I said a lot of improvement is yet to be done.

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